Southam Parish Council Gloucestershire
Southam Art Group

Who We Are
We are a small group of enthusiastic people who like to draw and paint, possibly with more enthusiasm than talent. Talent or being a villager is not a prerequisite to join. If you love to paint or doodle, come along and meet the gang who will make you very welcome.
When We Meet
Southam Village Hall
Thursday mornings 10.15am - 12.15pm
What We Do
There is no formal tuition, we rely on honest critique from each other; we are lucky to have some very able members who are happy to pass on their expertise and inspire us all.
Adrienne Sanders 01242 677421

The morning is a social occasion when we come together to work on a range of topics in a variety of media, including watercolour, acrylics and pastels. Individuals generally work from photographs or pictures, although we sometimes paint/draw still life; we have also thought of trying to get someone to model for us! We hold an annual exhibition and all our members are encouraged to participate.
Images are examples of paintings by members
Page updated: August 2021